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  • Hadani Woodruff

Race Report - Crush the Cargill 2021

This report was written for the Valley Voice Community Newspaper, November 2023

"CTC seemed like the most perfect running event ever! I heard it had just the right balance of fun, great people, feats of difficulty, a side serving of pain, and just plain awesomeness! I just HAD to give it a go.

So my friends and I turned up, erected a gazebo and stacked it full of yummy snacks and fizzy drinks. We then set off at 10am sharp, full of naive enthusiasm to see how many times we could make it to the top of Mt Cargill and back within 24 hours. The atmosphere was amazing! We met some lovely people and we had heaps of fun. I made my mates wear crazy hats and tutus and we cheered on the other runners, walkers, and families.

At about 1am in the morning, I had managed about 60k hiking up and jogging down, but my legs were getting tired and I thought I was going to die.

One of the race organisers, Chris Taylor, turned up with a huge bucket of fried chicken and shared it among the weary. After consuming more than was probably offered to me, I felt reawakened, renewed and full of beans! (Or chicken). I carried on up and down again and again 'till morning, completing 100k, 6,321 meters of elevation and placed 2nd female. I was so tired I forgot how many laps I had run. I was told twelve laps! (It was actually 11, but didn’t figure that out until a year later).

So come and Crush Mt Cargill! Everybody is welcome. Feel free to bring fried chicken!

Photo Credits: Brad Spiers Photography



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