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  • Hadani Woodruff

Race Report - Hanmer Old Forest 100

Shortly after I started running, I kept hearing about this crazy thing called ‘doing a miler’. I didn’t really know what it was except that it was a super hard distance and that people did this sort of ridiculousness for fun even though it hurt like hell. I was hooked immediately...

Well a few years later, I managed to complete this crazy adventure and now I am cuddling my hard earned buckle. I have no idea what I’m supposed to do with this heavy thing but I’m sure it relates to the fact that I am well and truly ‘buckled’.

I could bore you about how it pushed my boundaries and mental skills to keep going but I’d rather share how I compare running a 100 miles to having a baby:

-You’ll walk like a penguin for three days.

-When you are halfway through, you realise you really don’t want to do it anymore and you’d rather be in bed watching Netflix with a bowl of chips.

-You tell everyone about it afterwards, even your neighbours and Edith the checkout lady.

-You will show everyone, even strangers your photos

-It's not uncommon for a hospital to be involved.

-One week after swearing you’ll never EVER do that again you want to do it again.

-You spend all your money on gear that you ‘must’ have for the event.

During the event, you may utter words you never knew were possible and cry when your favourite vegemite sandwich isn’t spread the correct way.

Have I sold it yet?

I have to say thou, I am so grateful for my mates who turned up to run with me, forced me to eat when I didn’t want to, stopped me from running in the wrong direction (several times) and played tunes in the forest at 3am to keep me amused, I would not have finished this without you. xx

Photo Credits: Sarah Coxen and Paul Forbes


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